Disney has announced plans to combine content from its Disney+ and Hulu streaming services in the US. The move comes after Disney+ lost four million subscribers in the first three months of the year, and the firm is under pressure ...

Three universities have been awarded a share of funding to drive digital innovation across UK SMEs, as part of the HNCDI programme The Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation (HNCDI) programme seeks to improve digital adoption across businesses, targeting funding ...

eBay UK is launching a climate training programme for the 200,000+ small businesses that sell goods on its platform. Called the ‘carbon academy’, the programme is open to all eBay UK sellers and is being hosted as part of a ...

Managing payroll can present quite the headache for UK-based businesses. Payroll comes with a myriad of regulatory obligations, such as dealing with HMRC and pension contributions, and many organisations today grapple with the complexities of handling workforces that extend across ...

An ongoing debate concerns the plunge in the four-week Treasury note yield in relation to the three-month Treasury yield. At least one tweeter claims it’s all about the coming debt ceiling showdown with the difference in rates (3.145 percent versus ...

Money supply growth fell again in March, plummeting further into negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. March’s drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of ...

While most free market advocates are fixated on the national debt, they also should be looking at municipal debt over which taxpayers have no say. Maybe default is the answer. Original Article: “Should Local Municipalities Default on Their Debts? Seems Like ...

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk about recent court cases involving defamation claims, justifying libertarian skepticism of the entire concept. As Ryan noted in a recent Wire article, the Dominion lawsuit in particular, is a ...

When inflation is a huge concern, you’d think the stock market would celebrate in a big way when inflation shows signs of cooling. Not so much. April consumer price index (CPI) and producer price index (PPI) data came close to ...

We have been seeing a lot of breadth divergences lately, and the granddaddy of them all is adding to that list right now. The Daily Advance-Decline (A-D) Line for the NYSE is making lower highs, which disagrees with the slightly higher ...