Tesla chief executive Elon Musk said India‘s Prime Minister Narendra Modi was pushing the car maker to make a “significant investment” in the country, adding that such an announcement was expected soon, according to Reuters partner ANI. His comments followed a meeting with Mr. Modi on Tuesday during ...

KENTFIELD, California/BEIJING – US President Joe Biden on Tuesday called Xi Jinping a dictator, a day after top US diplomat Antony Blinken visited Beijing to stabilize bilateral relations that China says are at their lowest point since formal ties were established. Mr. Biden also said Mr. Xi was very embarrassed when ...

SAN FRANCISCO – The risks of artificial intelligence to national security and the economy need to be addressed, U.S. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday, adding he would seek expert advice. “My administration is committed to safeguarding Americans’ rights and safety while protecting privacy, to addressing bias and misinformation, to making sure AI systems are ...

An award-winning businessman, written off by teachers as a no-hoper, has launched a fund to  inspire and support  teenagers amongst the Grenfell community in one of London’s most deprived and beloved areas. Jamie Fraser, who has built up a £75 million ...

On June 12th, Goldman Sachs (GS) came out with this: Goldman Sachs has slashed its forecast for oil prices by nearly 10%, citing weak demand in China and a glut of supply from sanctioned countries, including Russia. What the big institutional analysts ...

SWIFT, the renowned global financial messaging service, has recently joined forces with major banks and Chainlink, a leading web3 infrastructure provider, plans to explore the integration of public and private blockchains in the banking sector. This collaboration, particularly Chainlink’s partnership ...

There is a sea change in how society views false accusations of sexual abuse. And it’s about time. The lawsuit John C. Depp, II v. Amber Laura Heard (2022) points to this transformation. Depp and Heard sued each other for ...

While many believe that technology is key to a growing economy, technology is useless without entrepreneurship, which develops uses for technology. Original Article: “Technology Is Meaningless without Entrepreneurship“ ...

Most people agree that we are closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Some would even argue that we are closer now than we were in those fateful days, when Soviet missiles in ...

In this episode of StockCharts TV’s Sector Spotlight, I take a look at Asset Class rotations, highlighting the current strength of US stocks in comparison to Bonds. In the Sector Rotation segment, I address the differences between cap-weighted and equal-weighted sectors ...