I had the honor of being interviewed by longtime friends, Sunny Harris and Sam Tennis. The link below will take you to that interview. It is about 1 hour long so try to stay awake. https://anchor.fm/sunny-j-harris/episodes/Gregory-L–Morris ...

After years spent toiling as an activist against the tide of Czech politics, Vít Jedlička concluded that it would be easier to build a libertarian nation from scratch somewhere else. In April 2015, he declared that a new country called ...

The roots of Austrian economics go back to the great theologian Thomas Aquinas, whose view of what constitutes a good was a prototype of Menger’s pathbreaking theory of the good. Original Article: “Defining a Good: The Intersection of St. Thomas Aquinas and ...

Looking beyond the “aw, neat, what a great person” façade of effective altruism, one clearly finds a level of narcissistic cynicism and a drive to the permanent power that financial immortality affords that is only matched by the amount of ...

As a chartist, there are lots of charts to choose from to make a point about how bullish or bearish the market is. However, when you pick broad market charts, there is very little to argue a point. Composite exchange ...

If one cares to look, it’s not difficult to find numerous columns written for mainstream news outlets announcing that the US Constitution has failed. This ought to raise the question of “failed to do what?” The answer depends largely on ...

The most common failure analysis methods are microscopy, chemical analysis, and mechanical testing. The failure Analysis Method is a systematic approach used to identify the root cause of a failure. This method is used to analyze the cause of a ...

Sometimes small but meaningful changes in our lifestyle can result in life-changing improvements to our wellbeing. Australian organic food enthusiast Varun Venaik has implemented five lifestyle changes that he considers to have had a monumental effect on his life. Eating ...

Have you just started learning to drive and feeling overwhelmed by all the different aspects of the driving test? Do not worry, you are not alone. Many learner drivers feel the same way. The theory driving test is one of ...

LONDON — Prince Harry’s Spare became the UK’s fastest selling non-fiction book ever, its publisher said on Tuesday, after days of TV interviews, leaks, and a mistaken early release of the memoir containing intimate revelations about the British royal family. ...