Commercial real estate in the USA is facing a major crisis which could not have been possible without the enabling of the Fed and the draconian restrictions imposed during covid. As commercial real estate prices collapse, the usual suspects call ...
The socialist elites that dominate our institutions insist that private property is nothing more than a social construct held together by violence. As usual, they misunderstand that scarcity itself, which is the basis for economics, is also the basis for ...
Murray Rothbard noted that the culture wars are not the result of conservative intransigence but rather of progressive elites’ insistence on forcing new cultural rules on people who don’t want to be coerced. ...
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The current explosion in rental and home prices is the direct result of government intervention aimed at making it easier to buy a house. Mises wrote that government intervention into the market tends to make things worse. He was right. ...
The executive power in the United States is no longer a coequal power; it is the dominant power in the land, as Empire requires. ...
A common complaint is that the 1964 Civil Rights Act started in the “right direction,” valuing so-called equality of opportunity, but then went off the rails with “equality of result.” In truth, the act cannot be reconciled with a libertarian ...
The budget surpluses under Milei should be a cause for further cutting government revenue and deflating the money supply. But that’s not happening. ...
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On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho discuss the first presidential debate. ...